Topinambur Manufaktur
Type of business:
Organic farm specializing in the cultivation and distribution of Jerusalem artichokes
Area farmed:
2 hectares of grassland, 1 hectare of Jerusalem artichoke fields and 1 hectare of bog meadow
Farming method:
Organic, regenerative agriculture
Jerusalem artichokes, walnuts, apples

© Topinambur Manufaktur
What is special about Topinambur Manufaktur?
“Our land has been farmed organically since 2002. In pure grassland farming in the Allgäu region, our small farm focuses on a speciality crop such as Jerusalem artichokes, which we have been marketing exclusively online for over 15 years. We focus on biodiversity and a richly structured farm with many habitats. In addition to the Jerusalem artichokes, we have a bog meadow, stream, hedges, pond and almost 100 walnut and fruit trees on our 4 hectares of land.”
What does insect protection mean for Topinambur Manufaktur?
“We want to ensure that we promote and support the possible abundance and diversity that would naturally exist here. The land should be an optimal and rich habitat for flora and fauna. Great biodiversity is self-sustaining, stable and brings joy in the abundance of life.”
What insect protection measures is Topinambur Manufaktur planning or already implementing?
“In fall 2023, we planted a walnut meadow with 40 walnut trees and now have orchards with a total of 100 trees. Together with the Netzwerk Blühende Landschaft, we have enriched some of our grasslands with seeds to reintroduce native plants that have now disappeared in the Allgäu due to intensive farming. We offer small-structured areas and diverse habitats, rock piles, deadwood piles, hedges and differently managed grassland areas. Our grassland areas aren’t fertilized and have been farmed extensively for 15 years. We are trying to build up an active compost economy to generate our own nutrients. To this end, we have liquidated our small livestock of donkeys, sheep and goats. Only time will tell whether we will succeed with compost farming or whether we will return to extensive animal husbandry.”
The questions were answered by Georg Lindl.
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