R und S GbR

Type of farm:
Arable farm

Cultivated area:
460 hectares, including 10 hectares grassland and 450 hectares arable land

Farming method:

Clover grass, cereal, cereal-legume mixture, potatoes, biogas maize, sugar beet, rapeseed, parsley, winter roe, winter wheat, winter barley; grassland, flowering areas and fallow land

© R und S GbR

What is special about the R und S GbR?

“We farm on marginal land with intensive crops, such as potatoes and herbs, which we have to irrigate. As we need the available irrigation water for these crops, we alternate extensive/natural cultivation with intensive cultivation on our land.“

What does insect protection mean for the R und S GbR?

“Insects are an important part of the ecosystem! We depend on insects for pollination, but birds and others also use them as a source of food, and small microorganisms are very important for the soil. Our ancestors already recognised this interaction and have therefore always practised sustainable agriculture.“

What insect protection measures is the R und S GbR planning or already implementing?

“Wide row in cereals, beneficial insect strips, old grass strips in grassland, establishment of 3 newly sown fallow areas, deadwood piles in hedges and on forest edges, maintenance of roadsides.“

Sina Rolfsmeyer answered the questions.