
More than just Flower Strips

Experiences and recommendations for more and better insect promotion at landscape level

Online Workshop | Thursday, 19 September 2024, 1:30 pm 4 pm

How to achieve a better area effect for insects in agriculture? LIFE Insect-Responsible Sourcing Regions presents findings from around 60 demonstration farms.

How do you move from individual farms to a landscape approach? LIFE Insect-Responsible Sourcing Regions shows what is needed in the future so that biodiversity measures can be implemented more efficiently in landscapes.

How can policy-makers promote insect-friendly agriculture? LIFE Insect-Responsible Sourcing Regions presents first proposals for a better funding policy.

The online workshop is aimed at representatives from politics, administration, agriculture, nature conservation and the food industry throughout the EU.

Participation is free. Please register for this event.

European Conference: Biodiversity in Food Supply Chains

13.-14. November 2024 | Berlin

Food for Biodiversity is inviting to a transformative event dedicated to the crucial role of biodiversity in the global food supply chain. This conference will spotlight innovative approaches and best practices for protecting biodiversity while building sustainable and resilient food systems. Engage with exciting presentations from leading experts in industry, politics, and science. Participate in interactive workshops and network with professionals from across Europe.

Cem Özdemir, the German Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture and Steffi Lemke, the German Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection will attend the Conference provide keynote presentations.

Please register online via the Food for Biodiversity website.